The entire Class of 2018 (more than 150 students from our Scholars, Young Scholars and College Scholars Programs) met at Pingry School on Saturday, January 6 for SEEDS’ annual Welcome Back day. Following a morning learning about how each program shares similar SEEDS’ experiences, scholars participated in a panel featuring six SEEDS graduates in the workforce. Our panel shared their SEEDS, educational and employment stories, and answered questions from the audience and staff about what they love most about SEEDS, their favorite SEEDS memories, and the advice they would share with current scholars.
Following lunch, the Class of 2018 participated in a lively discussion with Executive Director John Castano – which included questionnaires, Enemy/Protector, and a game of Tumbling Tower. The goal? To remind scholars that they may all be from different cities, different schools and different programs, but are all part of One SEEDS.
Special thanks to Aamira Garba (SEEDS ’99, Kent Place School ’03, Temple University); Mariana Lopes (SEEDS ’01, Kent Place School ’05, The The George Washington University ; Thomas Gaffney (SEEDS ’01, The Hotchkiss School ’05, Cornell University, NYU Stern School of Business); Esther Clovis (SEEDS ’04, Oak Knoll School ’08, Princeton University); Samantha Soto-Schwarm (SEEDS ’01, Dwight-Englewood School ’05, Northwestern University); and Taylor O’Hare (SEEDS ’05, Peddie School ’09, University of Pennsylvania) for participating on our panel, and to the SEEDS Trustees and other alumni in attendance!