Guidance SAT Prep Classes

New Jersey SEEDS is hosting an 8-week SAT prep course, run by Foley Prep via Zoom on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays starting July 6.

Session 1 is held from 3-4 p.m. and Session 2 is held from 4-5 p.m. on the dates noted below. There are 30 spots total which will be split into 2 groups of 15 students each. The cost is $50 per person.

Please see registration form below to sign-up and email any questions to Sharon Zucker at [email protected].

Session 1: 3-4 p.m.; Session 2: 4-5 p.m. on:

Week 1: 7/6; 7/7; 7/9

Week 2: 7/13; 7/14; 7/16

Week 3: 7/20; 7/21; 7/23

Week 4: 7/27; 7/28; 7/30

Week 5: 8/3; 8/4; 8/6

Week 6: 8/10; 8/11; 8/13

Week 7: 8/17; 8/18; 8/20

Week 8: 8/24; 8/25; 8/27

This program is only offered to alumni of New Jersey SEEDS.