Francine Diaz
Scholars ’17 | St. James School ‘21
Francine was the Scholars Commencement Speaker at SEEDS’ Scholars and Young Scholars Graduation on August 5, 2017. She will begin high school at St. James School in the fall.
Why did you want to apply to SEEDS?
I believed there was a bigger future for me than the one society handed to me. I no longer wanted to attend class and be perceived as the only student who cared about being there. I wanted to be the first in my family to set a precedent and expand my resources, knowledge and future endeavors. The moment I got through the application process, I was awestruck by the support and the second family I had joined. SEEDS pushed me to be the best I could be, and for that, I am forever grateful.
What is the biggest lesson you learned with SEEDS?
The most valuable lesson, among all the life values NJ SEEDS taught me, is that it is okay to fail. Before NJ SEEDS, even the sound of the word FAILING sent shivers through my spine. Ever since I started NJ SEEDS, I have learned to try my hardest, and if that wasn’t enough the first time, it has become an instinct to pick up the pieces and try even harder. I have even learned to live up to a motto, “All success begins with failure.”
What are you most looking forward to next year?
I am eagerly anticipating being able to share my ideas, my culture and what I have learned through SEEDS with my peers. I believe that if we all collaborate and learn from each other, we will all become more aware individuals. I can’t wait to learn through my independent school experience. I am looking forward to sharing my interests – such as Mixed Martial Arts – and working my hardest to represent my family, NJ SEEDS and where I came from. Wherever I go in the future, I know NJ SEEDS will help me along the way. I am honored to call myself a “NJ SEEDS Scholar” and now, after 14 months of teamwork, an alumna.
Roy Escobar
Young Scholars Program ’17 | Stevens Cooperative School ‘19
Roy was the Young Scholars Commencement Speaker at SEEDS’ Scholars and Young Scholars Graduation on August 5, 2017. He was also named the 2017 Alumni Scholar. He will begin seventh grade in the fall.
Why did you want to apply to SEEDS?
I knew SEEDS would give me a much brighter and exciting future. Going to a new school will be exciting. I will become independent, learn to try new opportunities and, be confident. This is the perfect way to show everything I can do!
What have you learned during your time in the Young Scholars Program?
I learned that I have a lot of potential and that you have to sacrifice for success.
What are you most looking forward to next year?
I am looking forward to making new friends and starting a new adventure.
What does NJ SEEDS mean to you?
To me, NJ SEEDS means a brighter future for me and my family. I joined SEEDS and my future has changed completely. I am going to attend Stevens Cooperative School and I am proud of that. All of my hard work paid off and for that I thank NJ SEEDS!