Scholars and Young Scholars Graduation Guestbook

Congratulations to Scholars and Young Scholars in the Class of 2017! We are so proud of all of these students have accomplished and wish them the best of luck on their educational journeys. Help us wish them well by sharing your own congratulatory messages below.

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2 entries.
Serena Moss Serena Moss from Englewood wrote on August 5, 2017 at 8:24 pm:
To all of the Scholars and Young Scholars, I am so very proud of you all. Congratulations. You prospered through all of your fears, through every untimely obstacle that you may have encountered and you did it with such determination. Young men and women as you go off to embark on your new journeys, remember to stay focused and ALWAYS keep your eye on the prize. To all of the parents, it's been a long time coming but we finally made it. Not to the finish line but to the starting point of many more doors that are going to open for our Scholars' in pursuit of their success . Again, congratulations! Serena Moss
Sonia Velasco Sonia Velasco from Passaic wrote on August 5, 2017 at 10:46 am:
Congratulations to all the graduates! May this only be the beginning of what your educational career will be. Be your own leader and always be you. Great success now and always. Special regards to my little sister, Lizbeth Velasco. We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see what else you will accomplish. You may be the baby in the family, but we all look up to you. We love you! Enjoy California! #NJSEEDSGraduates