Thank you for nominating!

If you would like to nominate more students, please click here. The deadline to nominate is October 15, 2020. All students must submit a complete application (and supporting documents) by November 1, 2020. Documents can be submitted to [email protected].

What happens after an eligible student is nominated:

All eligible nominees receive an email with a link to the online application. Once they have access to the online application, applicants must submit a complete application and supporting materials. Supporting materials include:

  • Passport, birth certificate, green card, or proof of asylee status.
  • Most recent ELA and math PARCC scores.
  • Final 9th and 10th grade report cards.
  • The applicant’s household’s 2018 and 2019 Federal 1040 income tax return. If the applicant’s family does not file taxes, they must email admissions ([email protected]) and request an income verification form. Families that do not file taxes, must submit proof of income which may include W2s, SSI, paystubs, a letter from the employer, and other documents.
  • Recommendation forms from the school counselor or principal, math teacher, and English teacher. We only accept recommendation forms, not letters. Requests for recommendations can only be submitted by the student once they have access to the online application portal.