SEEDS’ Annual Independent School Fair welcomed nearly 90 representatives from day and boarding schools across the country on September 9 (view photos).
Scholars, Young Scholars and their families arrived bright and early for a day full of workshops and learning. The morning kicked off with a welcome from SEEDS’ Assistant Director of Placement, Erin Duggan. Then, students and their families attended a series of workshops. Parents sat in on a financial aid workshop led by SEEDS’ Imani Gilliam and Brenda Quinones, while Scholars and Young Scholars learned more about the application process with SEEDS’ Programs Officer Samantha Saint-Germain. Students also participated in a workshop hosted by Cate School’s Kyle Mason, entitled “Maximizing the Interview.”
All students and family members also heard from an independent school panel. Gilda Frederick (SEEDS Parent – Jada Scotland, SEEDS ’15, Northfield Mount Hermon ’19), Rob Mitchell (Morristown-Beard School), Marie Myers (Concord Academy) and Sarah Rowland (Gill St. Bernard’s School) shared their experiences with attendees.
After lunch, students and families met with the 86 day and boarding schools represented at the fair.
Thanks to all of the representatives who came out to meet our families, and especially to Kyle, Gilda, Rob, Marie and Sarah for sharing their expertise!