Young Alumni Reconnect

Each year, SEEDS’ Guidance department hosts a holiday party for Scholars and Young Scholars in high school and CPP Scholars and College Scholars in their first two years of college. It’s a terrific opportunity for students to reconnect with old friends and meet fellow SEEDS alumni. This year’s event took place on December 22 and nearly 100 graduates came out to celebrate. (View photos from the event.)

The Guidance team is also planning another event for alumni. The annual Guidance Spring College Tour will take place from March 12 through March 16. The five-day trip will visit 10 colleges in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington, D.C. Alumni can reserve their seat on the bus to visit Ursinus College, Gettysburg College, Dickinson College, Villanova University, University of Virginia, University of Richmond, Georgetown University, American University, Johns Hopkins University and Princeton University.

Guidance is also continuing visits to SEEDS alumni in their placement schools. Want to see where the team has been? Check out #njseedsbacktoschool on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates on our graduates.