One SEEDS Panel Brings Alumni to the Class of 2018

Six NJ SEEDS graduates joined the entire Class of 2018 at The Pingry School on January 6, 2018, for the One SEEDS Panel. The day-long event for Scholars, Young Scholars and College Scholars was an opportunity to hear from fellow SEEDlings about their education journeys. (View video from the panel.)

The 150 students in the Class of 2018 began the annual Welcome Back day with a morning learning about how each of SEEDS’ three academic programs shares similar experiences. Following this workshop, Aamira Garba (SEEDS ’99, Kent Place School ’03, Temple University); Mariana Lopes (SEEDS ’01, Kent Place School ’05, The The George Washington University); Thomas Gaffney (SEEDS ’01, The Hotchkiss School ’05, Cornell University, NYU Stern School of Business); Esther Clovis (SEEDS ’04, Oak Knoll School ’08, Princeton University); Samantha Soto-Schwarm (SEEDS ’01, Dwight-Englewood School ’05, Northwestern University); and Taylor O’Hare (SEEDS ’05, Peddie School ’09, University of Pennsylvania) took to the stage to share their stories with students. 

In addition to discussing their personal journeys, alumni panelists took questions from the audience, telling students about their favorite SEEDS memory, what they love most about SEEDS and the most important advice they wanted to share with students. In addition to the day’s panelists, fellow alumni and SEEDS Trustees came out to participate in the event.

After lunch, the Class of 2018 heard from SEEDS’ Executive Director John F. Castano. The afternoon session consisted of a fun questionnaire, a game of Enemy/Protector and Scholars v. Young Scholars v. College Scholars in Tumbling Tower. The goal? To remind all members of the Class of 2018 that no matter what program they are in, what city they come from, or what school they go to, they are all part of One SEEDS.